I have the great fortune of being friends and collaborators with Mark and Max Eati. From the first day we met, I have been in awe of their kindness, their insight, and their faith in all of us to make a better world together. Here is something they wrote today that moves me very much. It feels like the perfect way to invite you, if you live in or near the Twin Cities, to join us for the local launch of May Tomorrow Be Awake at Moon Palace Books on Tuesday, August 16th from 7-8pm.
We’ve always wondered if everyone in the world, hundreds and thousands of years ago, were neurodivergent. The education system and community trained a majority of us to fit standards. Generation after generation, we got closer to defined standards. Until people’s nervous systems’ could not take it anymore. Now the systems are being forced to accommodate neurodivergence. It makes us sad that creativity and humanness were suppressed for so long. There is no one person to blame, but it is our collective responsibility to understand the importance of rebuilding ourselves back, to educating and complementing both neurotypicals and neurodivergents.
So excited for this book! Wish I lived in the twin cities...